Friday, January 8, 2016

Samsung has a 4K Blu-ray player coming in 2016

Posted by Mike blog On 10:27 AM
Samsung has a 4K Blu-ray player coming in 2016

Samsung's new player supports 4K Blu-ray playback, giving users more to watch on their glossy new panels. The product, which was announced at the IFA show in Berlin, will also support upscaling and streaming services.


Ultra HD TVs are a dime a dozen these days, and their prices have come down quite a bit. But if you put such a high-res panel in your home, you're left with one big issue – there still isn't much content that will take full advantage of the hardware. That's where Samsung's new player steps in, giving users the opportunity to watch the latest releases in glorious 3,840 x 2,160 resolution.
You might remember that Panasonic had a 4K Blu Ray player back at CES in January, but that product was only a prototype, and has yet to make its way onto shelves. Samsung's player is a little different in that regard. While we don't know exactly when it will land or how much it will cost when it does, we do know that the company plans to give it a commercial launch.

The new player will support UHD Blu-ray disk playback, providing users with four times the resolution of standard Blu-rays, and with 64 times higher color expression. The hardware is also capable of upscaling lower resolution disk content to UHD, and will support 4K streaming services.
Samsung has also paid attention to the design of the player. It might look like a simple black box at first glance, but looks closer and you'll see that it has a curved design, and will look right at home alongside the company's curved TV and curved sound barofferings.
As we mentioned, there's no pricing for the new Ultra HD Blu-ray player just yet, but Samsung did say that it's scheduled to land some time in 2016.



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